Helen Enright, Treasurer

Helen Enright has an extensive background in accounting and financial management. From 1992–1997, Helen held high-­level finance management positions at global logistics company Walsh Western UK (now Syncreon Technology UK), Terraflix, and Elite Contract Hire. As Senior Auditor at KPMG from 1988 – 1992, Helen audited companies across a broad range of industries, including engineering, financial services, manufacturing, and computer services. Helen graduated with honors from Leeds Metropolitan University, with a BA in Accounting and Finance. She has been an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales since 1992.

Helen became a supporter of WITNESS in 2010. Since learning more about the organization’s mission and tactics, Helen has committed herself to spreading the WITNESS word. She looks forward to extending WITNESS’ impact and continuing to fight human rights abuses worldwide.

She currently lives in Cork, Ireland with her husband and three children.

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