WITNESS and Immigrant Defense Project cohost Webinar #2 Eyes On ICE: Community Responses

WITNESS and Immigrant Defense Project (IDP) are excited and honored to host organizers from Make the Road New York, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), Equality for Flatbush, and Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) Tuesday, July 18th from 8-9pm ET for the second webinar in our series #EyesOnICE: Community Responses.

Join us to hear how these groups are documenting and organizing around encounters with immigrations and customs enforcement (ICE), and learn more about their approaches, challenges, and vision for a way forward. As ICE expands the deportation system and priorities for deportation, communities and grassroots groups like these continue to lead the way – fighting back, challenging mainstream narratives, and documenting abuses.

Register to attend #EyesOnICE: Community Responses: http://bit.ly/EyesOnICE_Webinar2


You can view our first webinar #EyesOnICE: Know Your Rights and Practical Tips for Documenting ICE here (also available in Spanish). Presentation slides from the webinar are also available to download and use in your own community work.

For general Know Your Rights information on encounters with ICE, check out IDP’s website (available in multiple languages) or our tip sheet for Filming ICE in English or Spanish.


Featured Organizations:

Make the Road New York builds the power of Latino and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services.

Their model integrates multi-issue, multi-generational organizing – on workers’ rights, tenant rights, LGBTQ justice, youth power and policing, public schools and education justice, immigration justice, and climate – with an array of wraparound services that create a space of safety and support for entire families.

NDLON improves the lives of day laborers in the United States. To this end, NDLON works to unify and strengthen its member organizations to be more strategic and effective in their efforts to develop leadership, mobilize, and organize day laborers in order to protect and expand their civil, labor and human rights. NDLON fosters safer, more humane environments for day laborers, both men and women, to earn a living, contribute to society, and integrate into the community.

Equality for Flatbush is a people of color-led, multi-national grassroots organization which does anti-police repression, affordable housing and anti- gentrification organizing in the Flatbush and East Flatbush communities of Brooklyn, NY

BAJI educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social and economic justice. Local BAJI Organizing Committees in New York, Georgia, California and Arizona build coalitions and initiate campaigns among communities to push for racial justice. At the local and regional level, BAJI provides training and technical assistance to partner organizations to develop leadership skills, works with faith communities to harness their prophetic voice, and initiates vibrant dialogues with African Americans and black immigrants to discover more about race, our diverse identities, racism, migration and globalization. BAJI’s flagship project is the Black Immigration Network (BIN), a national alliance that brings together black-led organizations and programs to advance just immigration policies and promote cultural shifts our communities need. The BIN kinship provides a safe, communal space for diverse black communities to connect, engage and advocate for equality and justice for all.


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