Voces De Mujeres | Voices of Women

In Mexico, like many other countries in Latin America, women are often misrepresented in the media and their stories and realities are usually told and interpreted by others. The project Voices of Women, Stories that Transform is an audiovisual lab aimed at countering this by strengthening the communications efforts of Mexican women. The project is a collaboration between WITNESS, La Sandía Digital, Luchadoras, SocialTIC, Subversiones y WACC and kicks off on May 22. WITNESS’ Latin America Program Coordinator, Laura Salas, will be facilitating sessions on using video safely, ethically and effectively.

The project brings together 22 women from Mexico who work on a wide range of issues in their communities, such as forced evictions, poverty, gender equality, reproductive rights and more.

Participants will learn basic production skills and be introduced to a number of tools that will help them utilize video, audio, text and photography in their work. Throughout the course of the project, each participant will document and share the story of a woman activist in their community.

Leer en español.


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